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If first impressions are crucial to your friends, family, clients and lovers, then it’s of the utmost importance to protect your car’s paint at all costs. Luckily, our team at Car Wrap and Tint specializes in making you look like the coolest dude around town with a sick paint job and an even more impressive paint protection film. In case you don’t already know, a paint protection film is just a clear coat that covers the paintwork of a vehicle from the threat of elemental decay. In other words, it’s an invisible cover to protect your paint job from bad weather. Sounds simple enough, but it takes a true master to apply a paint protection film to a car. And believe it or not, you’re talking to the only professionals that know how to apply this transparent coating without letting it fade, peel or crack under pressure. While it’s normal for wear and tear to occur, we can assure you that the way we apply paint protection film, or PPF, is a revolutionary defense from both deteriorating nature and abusive negligence.

So you know, PPF is made of Polyurethane. Otherwise known as Polymer, it forms a see-through protective surface layer, provided that it is properly applied by one of our auto detailing experts or vinyl installation veterans. The throwaway skin protects any car’s clear coat, while also the paint underneath from an array of real-life threats. This could be anything, from oxidation and surface scratches to UV exposure and acid rain. Now, the only drawback is that PPF doesn’t quite make your car bulletproof. We mean this both literally and figuratively. Depending on where you live, you may be exposed to extreme situations. But if nothing else, PPFs work like cell phone screen protectors. The PPF can take most of the damage but the actual car can evade a majority of the issues that could come around.

You might be wondering “How did PPF come to be?” It was originally made for the military. With a whole barrage of helicopters being damaged in the throes of the Vietnam War, the U.S. The Department of Defense teamed up with 3M to birth a fail-safe to its tangible enemy. Using a protective layer that stayed light as a feather and as noticeable as a pin in a haystack was a revolutionary idea, as the prototype was strong enough to take elemental damage and surface abuse from random shrapnel. Not to mention, the original PPF had been more inexpensive than what the alternatives had been in the past. With an ability to take on any surface of any size and direction while being as tight as skin, the film known as “heli-tape” had it’s start protecting all sorts of vehicles from the threats of existence. The added plus was how cost-efficient it was to apply. It would be decades later that 3M and the industry as a whole would start to translate PPF’s benefits to cars. As a result, this plastic wrap was sold as a “protective topcoat for painted surfaces.” You suddenly had an amazing option that would protect the paint job beneath from bird poop, rock chips and all sorts of oxidation that you could confront on the road. The perfect solution to life-proofing your cool car.

The Pro Series, aka the clear bra, is typically backed by a warranty and installed by a pro. What’s so attractive especially about the PPF is how the polymer itself is made of an elastomeric substance that can help the material keep its shape after having been stretched to fit the surface area. In turn, this sort of application lets the PPF self-heal in the case of smaller scratches occurring. Which eradicates any problems found with those pesky swirl marks.

Our team has years of experience like no one else in the game, and if you trust us with your road-ready car, you surely won’t be disappointed with the results we have to provide you, when applying a clear bra paint protection film to your awesome auto.

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